
  1. Run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt to setup dev dependencies
  2. Always make your changes in a branch and submit a PR
  3. Once the PR has been accepted/merged into the master branch, follow these steps on your local box
$> cd /path/to/gapipy
$> git checkout master
$> git pull origin master

Then, modify the following files:

  • gapipy/
    • update the __version__ variable
    • NOTES on incrementing the version:
      • major.minor.patch
      • update major when we switch to python3 only support
      • update minor if there is some breaking change or adding a New resource
      • update patch when adding new fields, fixing bugs introduced by a minor release
      • See for more information.
  • HISTORY.rst
    • update this file with the new version & date
    • Add some brief notes describing the changes
  1. Check the generated long_description rST file is valid
$> python sdist
# this created `gapipy-a.b.c.tar.gz` in the `./dist` directory
# where a.b.c is the ``__version__`` value

$> twine check dist/gapipy-a.b.c.tar.gz
# checks the long-form rST file is valid

# if there are any errors fix, and repeat

# example success check
$> twine check dist/gapipy-a.b.c.tar.gz
Checking dist/gapipy-a.b.c.tar.gz: PASSED
  1. Push the new commit
  • Use Release a.b.c (YYYY-MM-DD) format for the commit title. Optionally add a description that matches the changes to HISTORY.rst
  1. Create a release on github with the following description (This will be tagged to the version bump commit and not the PR commit)
# Version a.b.c

PR: #123

A brief description describing the changes
* bullet points
* make for easy reading
  1. Back to your local box
# build `gapipy-a.b.c.tar.gz` in the `./dist` directory
# where a.b.c is the ``__version__`` value
$> python sdist

# check the long-form rST file is valid
$> twine check dist/gapipy-a.b.c.tar.gz

$> twine upload dist/gapipy-a.b.c.tar.gz
# this will upload & create the release pypi

Thanks for helping!